How To Achieve New Year’s Fitness Resolution

fitness resolution

Hey, how are those fitness resolutions going? It’s been quite some time since January 1st, and I’m sure that you’re feeling great about the new year and the opportunities it brought. But how many of us have actually stuck to our fitness goals for more than a week or two? How many managed to maximize … Read more

Chinese Wolfberry: Strengthen your body organs

Chinese wolfberry

As its name implies, the Chinese wolfberry is native to China and other parts of Asia, and it has long been part of traditional Oriental medicine. The health benefits of the Chinese wolfberry were known as far back as 1000 A.C., and the traditional Chinese Medica reference book contains many references to this important superfood. … Read more

Acai Berry: The well-kept secret of Amazon

Acai berry

For many years, the Acai berry has been a well-kept secret of the Amazon rainforest. The rainforests of the Amazon are thought to hold the key to treating many ailments and common diseases, and for thousands of years the indigenous peoples of the Amazon region have known about the many health-enhancing benefits of the Acai … Read more