Healthy Spiced Nuts: Great bites

Healthy Spiced Nuts are undoubtedly great bites when you are craving for something to fill up your stomach. Read our recipe below and try yourself!

  • Yields: 4 Servings
  • Total Time: 20 Minutes
  • Prep Time: 10 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 Minutes


  • 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1⁄4 cup walnuts
  • 1⁄4 cup pecans
  • 1⁄4 cup almonds
  • 1⁄2 tsp. sea salt
  • 1⁄2 tsp. pepper
  • 1⁄2 tsp. cumin
  • 1 tsp. chili powder 


Put the nuts in a skillet set over medium heat and toast until lightly browned.

In the meantime, prepare the spice mixture; combine black pepper, cumin, chili and salt in a bowl.

Coat the toasted nuts with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with the spice mixture to serve.

Nutritional Information Per Serving:

Calories: 221; Total Fat: 22 g; Carbs: 4.8 g; Dietary Fiber: 3.2 g; Protein: 4.9 g; Cholesterol: 0 mg; Sodium: 241 mg

For more snack inspiration, try this one also.

Originally posted 2019-09-24 11:09:14.

About Amy

Yogi is a passionate advocate for liver health and an esteemed expert in the field of fatty liver disease. With years of experience working in clinical settings and a deep understanding of the complexities of liver-related conditions, she brings a compassionate and evidence-based approach to her work. Her expertise lies in providing practical advice, educational resources, and empowering individuals with the knowledge to take control of their liver health.

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