Although it is now grown throughout the temperate regions of Europe and the Americas, rosemary is actually native to the Mediterranean region. Rosemary has been prized as both a seasoning and as an herbal medicine for thousands of years.
For many years, rosemary was thought to help improve and strengthen memory, and it is still used for this purpose today. In ancient Greece, students studying for an exam would place a sprig of rosemary in their hair, and mourners at funeral services would throw rosemary into the grave as a symbol of their memories.
Major benefits of rosemary
Rosemary has traditionally been used as a memory enhancer, and it continues to be used to boost memory and brain function to this day. In addition, rosemary contains many compounds that are thought to be good at stimulating the immune system, improving digestive function and increasing circulation.
In addition, rosemary contains many compounds that have strong anti-inflammatory properties, a fact that may make rosemary useful in the treatment of asthma attacks. Rosemary has been shown effective at reducing the severity of asthma attacks, and this property of the herb remains the subject of much research.
Rosemary has also been shown to help improve blood flow to the brain, and to improve concentration. This effect of rosemary may be responsible for its traditional use as a memory enhancer.
Additional information:
Rosemary is often grown in home herb gardens, and rosemary is in fact one of the easiest herbs to grow and use at home. Many cooks swear by the superior taste of fresh rosemary, and growing rosemary as a part of a home herb garden can be a great way to provide a steady and low cost supply of this delicious and nutritious herb.
In general, it is better to choose fresh rosemary instead of the dried variety. The flavor of fresh rosemary is far superior to that of the dried herb, and fresh rosemary will help your recipes turn out much better.
Sprigs of fresh rosemary should look vibrant and fresh and should have the color of sage green. Rosemary sprigs with dark spots or yellow spots should be avoided. Another excellent way to enjoy fresh rosemary year round is to grow it yourself in a home herb garden. Rosemary is easy to grow in an herb garden, and growing your own will ensure you have a steady supply of this delicious superfood.
For those who prefer the convenience of the dried herb, it is often better to buy it in a spice market or organic grocery store, as the quality to be found there is often superior to that which can be found in traditional supermarkets. It is also a good idea to look for organically grown rosemary whenever possible, as this will help ensure that the herbs are free of pesticide residue and that they have not been irradiated. Irradiating rosemary and other herbs has been shown to decrease the concentration of healthful carotenoids in the herb.
Fresh rosemary can be stored in the refrigerator, in either its original packaging or a dampened paper towel. In addition, fresh sprigs of rosemary can be stored in icecube trays, either in water or in fresh stock. These rosemary infused icecubes can come in handy when preparing fresh soups, stews and other meals.
Originally posted 2019-10-06 10:35:34.