[Review] Best products to treat bad breath

Treat bad breath

Let’s treat bad breath today! You know that bad breath is one of the symptoms of fatty liver disease. Beside taking necessary steps to reverse the liver damages, you will also have to alleviate the bad effects that it brings. Hei, looking for tips to design your diet plan? READ Do not forget to download … Read more

Best Liver Supplements? (Short But Sweet Reviews)

Best liver supplements

The Best Liver Supplements For Fatty Liver Diseases Fatty liver diseases are characterized by the buildup of excessive fat in the liver—something that affects people who don’t drink alcohol or consume very little of it. It is a common condition manifests into symptoms like fatigue and discomfort in the upper abdomen. The purpose of this … Read more

Fatty Liver Diseases: Causes and diet plans

fatty liver

You may not have heard of fatty liver diseases, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to be specific. But chances are, you know someone who has it. As a dietitian in private practice, it’s becoming increasingly common for me to tailor diets for clients who’ve been diagnosed with a build-up of fat in their liver. If … Read more

Should you stay away from carb? Is carb that bad?


We’ve addressed this issue before (read HERE). But carb remains a hot topic when it comes to weight loss and overall health. A significant percentage (but not all) of NAFLD patients, or individuals who suspect they have a fatty liver condition, are overweight according to current BMI charts. Therefore, many, many people with NAFLD work daily … Read more