Fatty Liver: The Silent Epidemic and How to Fight Back

fatty liver

Fatty liver disease, once considered a rare condition, has become increasingly common, affecting millions worldwide. Often dubbed the “silent epidemic” due to its lack of early symptoms, fatty liver can lead to serious health complications if left unaddressed. However, understanding the causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies can empower you to take charge of your liver … Read more

The 10-Day Liver Detox Meal Plan

meal plan

General Healthy Liver Diet Drink a warm glass of warm lemon water immediately after waking up and before going to bed. Drink at least 8 glasses of water during the day. No dairy, grains, sugar, or alcohol. Avoid processed/packaged food, corn syrup, trans fats, hydrogenated fats, dried or canned fruit, juices, and gluten. Make sure … Read more

Why Should You Cleanse Your Liver?

cleanse your liver

5 Obvious Reasons To Cleanse Your Liver Many people disregard liver cleansing by saying that the human body is self-sustaining. While this is true, we cannot assume the fact that every day we see people suffering from obesity, heart diseases and other chronic illnesses that are mostly triggered by inflammation, which is your body’s way … Read more

Fatty Liver Could Shrink Your Brain

shrink your brain

We love to report good news on the identification and treatment of NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Often, particularly if in the earliest stages (1 or 2), NAFLD is easily treated via lifestyle changes and sometimes, with medication as recommended by one’s physician. Today, though, the news isn’t all bright. A paper written by Galit Weinstein, … Read more

[Review] The Best Liver Health Supplements 2020

Liver Health Supplements

In this post, we will help you identify The Best Liver Health Supplements of 2020 that he has personally used and reviewed in details. Your liver does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to keeping you healthy and thriving. It aids in the metabolic process, helps with digestion, naturally detoxes your body, and is vital for … Read more