Licorice: Treat your stomach upset effectively


Licorice, known to science as glycyrrhizin glabra, is a member of the pea family that is widely cultivated throughout Greece and Turkey. The key therapeutic compound contained in licorice is glycyrrhizin, and this compound is found in the underground stem of the tall purple flowered shrub. In addition to the glycyrrhizin, licorice contains hundreds of … Read more

Thyme: Treat chest problems and respiratory issues


The herb known as thyme is native to Asia, southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. In addition to these traditional growing places, it is also widely cultivated throughout North America. It has been valued for thousands of years for its aromatic, culinary and medicinal uses. Thyme was even used by those in ancient Egypt as … Read more

Basil: Your reliable DNA protectant


While basil is now grown throughout the world, it is native to India, Africa and Asia, and basil is widely used in a variety of world cuisines, including Thai cooking, Italian cuisine, Vietnamese culture and Laotian cuisine. The name basil comes from an old Greek word “basilikohn”, which translates to royal. This name origin reflects … Read more

Ginger: Reducing nausea and having good taste


The herb known as ginger is native to Southeast Asia, and the various cuisines of Asian countries have long used ginger in their cooking. It has long been featured in the writings of China, India and many Middle Eastern countries, and it has been prized for its medicinal and culinary qualities, as well as for … Read more

Rosemary: A memory enhancer for your diet


Although it is now grown throughout the temperate regions of Europe and the Americas, rosemary is actually native to the Mediterranean region. Rosemary has been prized as both a seasoning and as an herbal medicine for thousands of years. For many years, rosemary was thought to help improve and strengthen memory, and it is still … Read more

Green Tea: High concentration of polyphenols

green tea

Green tea, like black tea and oolong tea, is derived from the tea plant and it is thought to have originated in the area of the world that now encompasses western China, northern India and the country of Tibet. Chinese legend holds that tea was discovered by the emperor Shen- Nung in the year 2737 … Read more