7 Simple Ways To Prevent Fatty Liver

prevent fatty liver

Fatty liver disease has become a common disease that people are facing in this century. In the previous articles, we have learned about various ways reverse fatty liver damages. Today, let’s try to understand simple ways to prevent fatty liver in the first place. Shall we dig in? 7 Precautions To Prevent Fatty Liver Foods … Read more

Chickpea Salad with Zucchini and Avocado Mayo

Chickpea Salad with Zucchini and Avocado Mayo

Welcome to Fatty Liver Guide, and here will you find inspirational recipes just like this Chickpea Salad with Zucchini and Avocado Mayo dish. Read on! Yield: 4 Servings Total Time: 2 Hour 15 Minutes Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 2 Hours Ingredients 100g chickpeas Juice 1⁄2 lemon 1 teaspoon rapeseed oil 4 chives, chopped … Read more

NASH Reversal: Reclaiming Your Liver Health

nash reversal

Welcome to the world of NASH reversal! Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a progressive liver disease characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver, inflammation, and damage. But here’s the good news: NASH can be reversed! In this article, we will delve into the concept of NASH reversal, explore natural strategies to improve liver health, … Read more

Gluten-Free Sugar-Free Muffins

Gluten-Free Sugar-Free Muffins

Who do not love muffins? Today, Fatty Liver Guide is going to show you how to make Gluten-Free Sugar-Free Muffins in an easy way! Yield: 12 Muffins Total Time: 45 Minutes Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 30 Minutes Ingredients 1/2 cup buckwheat flour 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon coarse … Read more

Licorice: Treat your stomach upset effectively


Licorice, known to science as glycyrrhizin glabra, is a member of the pea family that is widely cultivated throughout Greece and Turkey. The key therapeutic compound contained in licorice is glycyrrhizin, and this compound is found in the underground stem of the tall purple flowered shrub. In addition to the glycyrrhizin, licorice contains hundreds of … Read more

What Are Liver Function Tests?

Liver Function Tests

Has your doctor ordered liver function tests and you want to learn more about them – how they’re done and what they are supposed to detect? If so, read on and you can get some useful information about the various types of tests that are performed to check out your liver and what you can … Read more

DASH Diet: Should You Try?


The DASH diet is regularly advised by physicians to combat hypertension (high blood pressure). Now experts are saying the program could help individuals suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Should you try it? And if you do, can it really help? Here’s what we found out. What Is the DASH Diet? DASH is an easy-to-remember acronym … Read more

Body Odor: How to cure it fast?

body odor

Foul body odor, for the most part, is generated from your feet, orifices, and where skin rubs against skin (armpits and between your legs for example). And there’s never an acceptable social situation where smelling rotten is better than smelling pleasant. If you have bad smells oozing out of your forearms, you need to see … Read more

Eggs are actually good for your liver


“Stay away from eggs if you want to be healthy. They have all that fat and cholesterol!” If you’re like most people, you began hearing that information in the 70s, 80s or 90s (depending upon your age). Eggs have received a very bad rap for the past 30 years or so. But recently, new information … Read more

Best Drinks to Help Beat Fatty Liver Disease

best drinks

Fatty liver disease is a condition in which fat accumulates in the liver, and is a condition that affects millions of people in the United States. Fatty liver disease can cause a wide range of symptoms including fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice. Treatment options vary depending on the type and severity of the condition, but … Read more