Fatty Liver CT Scan: Uncovering Hidden Dangers & Solutions

 fatty liver ct scan

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, abdominal pain, or unexplained weight loss, your doctor may recommend a fatty liver CT scan. This non-invasive imaging test can provide valuable insights into the health of your liver and help diagnose conditions such as fatty liver disease. In this article, we’ll explore what a fatty liver … Read more

Pomegranate Fruit: A traditional folk medicine

pomegranate fruit

The pomegranate fruit is common throughout the countries of the Middle East, in Iran and in India, and the pomegranate has long played a role not only in the cuisine but also in the medicine of those traditional cultures. The pomegranate fruit has long been used in traditional folk medicine, and it has played a … Read more

[Review] Best products to treat itchy skin

treat itchy skin

How to treat itchy skin? Itchy skin is very troublesome and annoying. In medical term, it is known as ‘Pruritus’. There are many causes of itchy skin including allergies, stress, bad skin conditions, insect bites or some skin related diseases such as eczema. Those who have itchy skin often suffer from multiple problems such as … Read more

How to cook the Caveman Porridge?

Caveman Porridge

Caveman Porridge The consistency of this “porridge” is truly like a big bowl of a certain childhood favorite of mine, which my parents would fill full of plump, juicy raisins and serve with a cold shot of milk. The Caveman Porridge has a sort of stick-to-your-ribs goodness served by itself, but topped with nut butter, … Read more

Body Odor: How to cure it fast?

body odor

Foul body odor, for the most part, is generated from your feet, orifices, and where skin rubs against skin (armpits and between your legs for example). And there’s never an acceptable social situation where smelling rotten is better than smelling pleasant. If you have bad smells oozing out of your forearms, you need to see … Read more

Eggs are actually good for your liver


“Stay away from eggs if you want to be healthy. They have all that fat and cholesterol!” If you’re like most people, you began hearing that information in the 70s, 80s or 90s (depending upon your age). Eggs have received a very bad rap for the past 30 years or so. But recently, new information … Read more

Spinach is good for your liver, indeed!


Spinach is believed to have originated in ancient Persia, the country that is now known as Iran. It was introduced to China sometime in the seventh century when it was presented to China as a gift from the king of Nepal. It is our favorite source of Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is sometimes called the life-blood of … Read more

Caesar Salad: Get the basics right!

Caesar Salad

Caesar Salad My family has had a long love affair with Caesar salad. Every year, on our respective birthdays, we were given the choice of whatever gastronomical delight we could imagine. Usually this involved one of my mother’s delectable specialties, which included the most decadent lasagna, steamed crab with garlic butter, artichokes, or Caesar salad … Read more