Superfood Detox Pancakes

Below you will find the recipe of Superfood Detox Pancakes. We hope you enjoy!

  • Yield: 1 Serving
  • Total Time: 15-17 Minutes
  • Prep Time: 5 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 10-12 Minutes


  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons ground flax
  • 1/2 medium ripe banana
  • 3 large egg whites
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Set a nonstick skillet over medium heat; coat with olive oil cooking spray.

In a food processor or blender, blend the oats into fine flour; transfer to a bowl and stir in the remaining dry ingredients.

In a blender, combine banana, egg whites, spinach, and vanilla and blend until very smooth. Add the banana mixture into the dry ingredients and stir to form batter.

Spoon batter onto the heated skillet, forming four pancakes. Cook for about 6 minutes per side or until browned.

Transfer the pancakes to a plate and top with fresh fruit and nuts.

Nutritional Information Per Serving:

Calories: 306; Total Fat: 6.8 g; Carbs: 41.2 g; Dietary Fiber: 10.1 g; Protein: 19.4 g; Cholesterol: 0 mg; Sodium: 156 mg

Originally posted 2019-08-13 21:56:59.

About Amy

Yogi is a passionate advocate for liver health and an esteemed expert in the field of fatty liver disease. With years of experience working in clinical settings and a deep understanding of the complexities of liver-related conditions, she brings a compassionate and evidence-based approach to her work. Her expertise lies in providing practical advice, educational resources, and empowering individuals with the knowledge to take control of their liver health.

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