Fatty Liver Disease Treatment You Need To Know

fatty liver disease treatment

Fatty Liver Disease Treatment: In advance stages NAFDL or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can cause any of the three diseases viz. NASH or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, Fibrosis or Liver Cirrhosis. NAFDL generally doesn’t has any professed symptoms, however at later stages inflammation in liver or slight pain in upper abdomen may occur. At this level expert … Read more

How Important Are Micronutrients?


In the modern-day world, we are constantly blasted with often contradicting information about nutrition. Some people swear by the importance of protein and animal products, while others tell us it’s all about the caloric balance. Now, because fat, protein and carbohydrates are taking the majority of the attention, one thing remains quite ignored… That is … Read more

Shrimp Salad with Grapefruit and Avocado

Shrimp Salad with Grapefruit and Avocado

Shrimp, grapefruit and avocado are all great foods for people with fatty liver damages. Let’s jump in and try this Shrimp Salad with Grapefruit and Avocado recipe today! Yield: 2 Servings Total Time: 20 Minutes Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 10 Minutes Ingredients 2 tablespoons chili oil 1 cup shrimp 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 1⁄2 … Read more

Black seed oil: A natural way to treat fatty liver

black seed oil

What is fatty liver and how black seed oil can help? Fatty liver is a condition in which there is an accumulation of fat in the liver cells. This can lead to problems such as inflammation, scarring, and cirrhosis. Black seed oil has been shown to be effective in reducing fat accumulation in the liver … Read more