What if you have a liver disease? Read these 10 signs

liver disease

What is the largest internal organ and gland in the body? If you guessed the liver, top marks! In an adult, it can be as large as a football. It has 500 important functions, but three of the most notable ones are producing bile to help with digestion, cleansing toxins from the blood supply, and storing … Read more

10 liver detox food to clean your liver

liver detox food

The liver has a significant importance in the human and without this organ, the human body would not be able to function correctly. According to [1]  , the liver weighs approximately 1.5 kilograms and has a red and brown color. This organ is made of two primary parts, known as the left and right lobes. Underneath … Read more

7 Simple Ways To Prevent Fatty Liver

prevent fatty liver

Fatty liver disease has become a common disease that people are facing in this century. In the previous articles, we have learned about various ways reverse fatty liver damages. Today, let’s try to understand simple ways to prevent fatty liver in the first place. Shall we dig in? 7 Precautions To Prevent Fatty Liver Foods … Read more

Could Fatty Liver Heal Itself?

could fatty liver heal itself

There are many important organs in our human body like liver, kidney, lung and heart. Liver is responsible for performing very important tasks. If you suffer from liver disease, normal operations are hampered. Fatty liver is a type of chronic liver disease. Could Fatty Liver Heal Itself? It is a good question but you have … Read more