How To Achieve New Year’s Fitness Resolution

fitness resolution

Hey, how are those fitness resolutions going? It’s been quite some time since January 1st, and I’m sure that you’re feeling great about the new year and the opportunities it brought. But how many of us have actually stuck to our fitness goals for more than a week or two? How many managed to maximize … Read more

How to prepare your pantry for success?

prepare your pantry

Do you know that the key to making delicious, nutritious recipes (from Fatty Liver Guide perhaps) is a well-stocked pantry. In this article, let’s learn about how to prepare your pantry for motivation and success. 1. Clean out the fridge, freezer, and pantry. It may take some time, but you’ll find that clean storage areas … Read more

How to Reduce Fatty Liver and Reclaim Your Health

Reduce Fatty Liver

Time to reduce fatty liver, shall we? Fatty liver disease is a condition that occurs when fat accumulates in the liver cells. It is common in people who are overweight or obese, have type 2 diabetes, or have high blood pressure. Fatty liver can cause a range of symptoms including fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice. … Read more

What is a fatty liver?

what is fatty liver

Singer George Michael died of natural causes related to heart disease and fatty liver, according to the British coroner report released Tuesday. While most people understand the causes of cardiovascular disease, few know anything about fatty liver and how it can lead to adverse health outcomes or — in its most severe stage — death. The … Read more

How a good liver can boost your fertility?


Ever heard of someone with a ‘bilious temper’ or someone who is ‘choleric?’ Well, even before the advent of modern medicine, the liver was associated with anger and irritability; ancient Greek doctors attributed an ill-temper to an excess of yellow bile produced in the liver. Thanks to modern medicine though, not only have we found … Read more

What Is Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD)?

Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) is a condition caused by excessive alcohol consumption. It is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver cells due to excessive drinking. As the disease progresses, it can lead to inflammation, scarring, and even liver failure. Fortunately, with early diagnosis and treatment, AFLD can be managed. In this … Read more

Basic nutrition guide you should know

basic nutrition guide

Fad Diet Failure & Basic Nutrition Guide Every day we are bombarded on social media, television and magazines telling us about the latest miracle weight loss diet, muscle building supplement or fat burning pill. Do you know what the BIGGEST secret in the fat loss/muscle gain industry is that there is no secret. To put … Read more

What if you have a liver disease? Read these 10 signs

liver disease

What is the largest internal organ and gland in the body? If you guessed the liver, top marks! In an adult, it can be as large as a football. It has 500 important functions, but three of the most notable ones are producing bile to help with digestion, cleansing toxins from the blood supply, and storing … Read more

The Unexpected Causes of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a progressive liver disease that can cause serious health complications, such as cirrhosis and even liver failure. NAFLD is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver, which can lead to inflammation and scarring. In this article, … Read more