Can You Reverse Fatty Liver? Yes, With Weight Loss

weight loss

Does weight loss reverse a fatty liver? The short answer is yes. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which affects about one in five adults in the United States, is tightly linked to the obesity epidemic. There are no drugs to treat the disease, so most clinicians recommend that patients focus on lifestyle changes that produce weight loss, … Read more

Demystifying Focal Fat: Understanding the Story

Focal Fat

Welcome to the realm of “Focal Fat,” a fascinating topic that shines a spotlight on localized fat deposits in our bodies. These stubborn pockets of fat often draw our attention due to their unique characteristics and can leave us wondering about their origins and implications. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of … Read more

9 best herbs for liver cleansing


Herbs to cleanse your liver Imagine a fish tank with a motorized water filter. If the filter is clogged with toxins from the tank, the entire tank becomes filled with the same contaminants. In our system, the filter is the liver, the tank is the body, and the fish that has to live in it … Read more

Insurance Plans for Liver Disease

insurance plans for fatty liver

We receive a lot of questions regarding the possibility of getting insurance plans for liver disease, so we’ve decided to do some researches about this matter. Having liver disease can be a long, hard road with many questions and unknowns. One of those unknowns might be whether or not you can qualify for any kind … Read more

Low Carb Can Treat Fatty Liver

low carb

The following is a guest post by Ann Fernholm, author, science journalist and PhD in molecular biotechnology. She is the founder of the not-for-profit Dietary Science Foundation. Approximately 25 percent of adults in the Western world have fatty liver and are thus at an increased risk of developing cirrhosis, liver cancer, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Fatty … Read more